Photo Gallery of Ash Trees Restored After Their Trunks Split
For decades, Ash trees were a popular choice for neighborhoods. They are hardy, drought-resistant, and beautiful. When they grow large or are battered by winter storms and ice, they are susceptible to damage. If your ash tree sustains damage and you’d like to save it, contact us for a no-charge, on-site evaluation. Our arborists will evaluate the tree’s health before the damage, the extent and types of damage, and the possibilities for recovery. As you’ll see below, Ash trees are hearty and want to thrive.
Prized Ash Tree Saved After Ice Storm Splits It in Two
Green Ash Tree Repaired After it Splits Under Its Own Weight
This healthy green ash tree in Federal Way split unexpectedly under its own weight when its two main branches became too heavy. The homeowners called Thundering Oak to see if we could save their favorite tree. The Thundering Oak tree care specialists pruned and thinned the tree to release weight from the two main branches then pulled the trunk back together. Next, the team permanently secured the trunk by passing threaded rods and bolts through the trunk. The tree will grow around the rods and bolts, further strengthening the trunk. Finally, the team cabled the two main branches to each other to provide support and keep pressure off the split below. The homeowners were delighted that their favorite tree was saved and astonished that the split is now nearly invisible.
Restore Your Prized Ash Trees (or Maples, or Dogwoods, or Pines, or …)
Contact us for a no-cost evaluation and estimate if storms, age, or other perils damage your ash trees.